Hi, I'm John. I stick out a bit in the class being the only guy, but this is one of very few classes I have taken where I don't know anyone beforehand. I have blue eyes, I'm an Aries, I like long walks on the beach... oh wait a second, wrong type of post!
My desired field of teaching is a bit unusual because I would like to be a secondary and junior college psychology teacher. I am very passionate about studying the human mind and the way people think and behave. Don't worry, I don't sit in class analyzing everyone! I am a junior at South and I also work nearly full time waiting tables at a local seafood restaurant.
One of my main interests outside of school is riding my motorcycle. I usually take it to school, but not on days like this when the high doesn't get past 45... brrrr! I also enjoy playing poker, shooting pool, working out, cycling, and I am of course a computer/video game nerd through and through.
I went to high school in Virginia, which is very different from Southern Alabama. Contrary to the opinion of most of my Alabama friends, I am not a Yankee! When I graduated from high school, I attempted to bicycle cross country. Unfortunately, that dream vanished when me and my bicycle were hit by a car in Tennessee and I injured my knee. But I settled down there and began managing hotels. I even invited my high school sweetheart and we eventually got married. Upon her insistence, we moved to Mobile because it was warm and within driving distance of the beach. Unfortunately our marriage did not last, but I loved the area and the great friends I met so I decided to stay. I had always wanted to be a teacher, so going to South was an easy decision, and I have met many great friends here as well.
Well that is assuredly much more than anyone wanted to know about me. If any of you in my class needs help with anything, don't hesitate to let me know.